
Pricelist. Photographer Anastasia Gabi


Perfect for a first shoot

  • 1 hour
  • 15 edited photos 
  • outfit selection advice
  • link to a personal photo gallery 
Pricelist. Photographer Anastasia Gabi


Perfect for a personal shoot or a love story

  • 2 hours
  • 20-25  edited photos 
  • 2 free outfits prepared for you
  • link to a personal photo gallery   
Pricelist. Photographer Anastasia Gabi


Perfect for those who are easily satisfied with the very best

  • 3 hours
  • 30-35 edited photos
  • 3-4 free outfits prepared for you
  • exclusive location selection 
  • link to a personal photo gallery 


  • more shooting hours;
  • more photos per shoot;
  •  photo albums, posters, calendars

Gift certificates

  • Valid for 1 year
  • Add a printed photoalbum or a poster to your gift

Pricelist. Photographer Anastasia Gabi


up to 6 hours

  • Wedding preparations
  • Wedding ceremony
  • 250+ photograps prepared for printing 


All my services are available worldwide

Drop me a line for details.

Price depends on location.

Пара обнимается

Posters available for purchase

Landscape photography is my passion.

I travelled the world to bring some of the best places back in my heart and in my camera.

Give your space a touch of uniqueness with the posters made with love. 

50×70 cm

Постер на стене
Как выглядит постер на стене
Как выглядит пейзаж на стене
Интерьерный постер
Интерьерный пейзаж
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Pricelist. Photographer Anastasia Gabi
Pricelist. Photographer Anastasia Gabi
Pricelist. Photographer Anastasia Gabi